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To bee or not to bee – don’t confuse bees with wasps say pest controllers

The sudden increase in temperature and sunshine has meant an explosion of blossom and noticeable increase in bees going about their work.

There has also been a worrying surge in calls to pest controllers from people confusing bees with wasps and asking for treatment.

Unwanted visitors can trigger mental health issues during lockdown

The lockdown has resulted in an increase in calls from residential premises to a London pest control company as people are spotting furry intruders and insects that would often go unnoticed.

Managing Director Paul Bates of Cleankill Pest Control says the mental health implications of having an infestation during lockdown when you can’t leave your home can be quite serious for some.

Keeping mice out of your office

Christmas is coming and the goose…

Well, we all know the rest of that song.

As winter really comes upon us, though, this is also a time when mice are getting fat in our offices. Perhaps it’s time for a new New Year’s resolution.

Mice are attracted to our offices for exactly the same reasons they like our homes – peace, warmth, and food.