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Business Awards

A game of two halves

They say an active mind makes a happy person and, after last week, I think I can concur. It was a week that certainly required a lot of focus because, in addition to running an expanding pest control company, we also had two very important exhibitions and two award ceremonies. It’s at time like this that you realise how important having a good team around you is!

Firstly, the exhibitions – one as an attendee and one as an exhibitor and sponsor.

Cleankill shines at local and national business awards

Croydon-based Cleankill Pest Control has cause to celebrate after being named ‘Company of the Year’ at the 2019 British Pest Management Awards (BPMAs). At the same event, Cleankill’s Managing Director, Paul Bates, was Highly Commended in the ‘Unsung Hero’ category.